Prince William’s Drastic Plans For The Monarchy Revealed
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Prince William’s Drastic Plans For The Monarchy Revealed

According to a source close to the Royal Family, Prince William envisions a monarchy that diverges significantly from its past.

The Prince of Wales, next in line for the throne, is reportedly planning to surpass his father in downsizing, implementing changes that would have dismayed the late Queen Elizabeth II.

As per reports from British tabloid The Express, Prince William’s plans for the monarchy, set to unfold when he assumes the role of King, revolve around a radical five-point plan that promises to make “everything…look different.”

After the passing of Queen Elizabeth in September 2022, speculations arose regarding potential changes in the Royal Family.

Having reigned for an unprecedented 70 years, she served as Britain’s longest-reigning monarch, essentially setting the standard. Therefore, any alterations to the established order would signify a departure from decades of history.

King Charles III, in his own reign, introduced subtle changes reflective of his personal interests and vision. Notably, he incorporated representatives of various religions at his Coronation, a departure from tradition.

This move received mixed reactions, including disapproval from his sister, Princess Anne. Moreover, King Charles expressed a preference for streamlining the number of working royals.

However, Prince William’s reported plans upon ascending to the throne seem even more transformative. 

Prince William’s Drastic Plans For The Monarchy

The five key changes he aims to bring to the monarchy include leaving the Commonwealth, reducing the number of royal patronages and engagements, focusing on the immediate family, and discarding elaborate ceremonies.

The decision to part ways with the Commonwealth stands out as the most surprising and potentially objectionable to the Late Queen Elizabeth.

The Queen held the Commonwealth in high regard, viewing it as a voluntary association fostering unity among states once under British rule.

Yet, as societal attitudes shift, it is suggested that Prince William represents a younger generation viewing the Commonwealth as outdated.

A quote from an insider shared with The Express indicates, “Focusing on the United Kingdom is very much a priority for William moving forward, and there are already plans being worked on to that effect.”

Prince William himself hinted at a potential shift for the Commonwealth after a Caribbean tour in 2022, stating in a social media post, “Who the Commonwealth chooses to lead its family in the future isn’t what is on my mind.”

Regarding other changes to the monarchy, the source reveals, “The focus will be on the Wales family, and a reduced number of royal patronages and engagements will reflect that. Once the King assumes the role, there will be a swift transition, with traditional processions, rituals, and official ceremonies replaced by more modern displays for state occasions. Emphasis will be on frugality, especially concerning state banquets, coronations, and any public display of wealth.”

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