Data Breach: Are You An Easy Target?
6 mins read

Data Breach: Are You An Easy Target?

Technology is proof of humankind’s evolution; nowadays, the internet has become our everyday tool to accomplish multiple tasks with a few clicks.

Buying online, accessing links that might seem exciting, and subscribing to numerous websites with our personal information can leave us vulnerable to serious virtual crime and threats. Are you aware of the danger that comes with these actions?

What’s a Data Breach?

data breach represents the illegal activity of stealing data from computer systems or networks.

Stolen data could include personal information regarding your identity, home addresses, bank accounts, medical information, and passwords.

It doesn’t matter if you have a small or big company or if you are an employee; in each case, personal and business information can be accessible on a database.

As long as Data exists on your devices, you can be a victim of a data breach. Cyber attacks can lead to the loss of finances and identity theft and must be considered severe security threats.

 These are some common examples of data breaches to help you understand them better:

Password guessing: as simple as it sounds, guessing the passwords to one of your accounts can provide hackers with access to all of your personal information. This is why it’s essential to have different and strong passwords for every personal account. When you are creating new accounts on trustworthy websites, they usually require a long password, including characters and numbers, in order to increase the security level.

Phishing: humans are naive by nature, and cyber criminals always find the perfect opportunity to take advantage of it. Phishing can be sent as an email, link or private message that contains a catchy presentation to have an emotional impact and create interest for the victim. Once the source is opened, sensitive information will be stolen, such as credit card information, passwords, and any critical data you saved on your system device.

Ransomware: This method usually targets big companies; it blocks access to the computer system containing sensitive data about company finances and personal information about employees and employers. When the system is hacked, cybercriminals require a ransom in order to unlock access to sensitive content.

Spyware: in this case, malicious software is installed on your personal devices. Spyware software is often installed without the user’s knowledge. and runs in the background of your device, slowing down its mechanism because of the multiple pop-up ads and viruses that are installed on your system.

How To Identify a Data Breach

Knowing how to identify data breach is the first step to preventing a cyber-attack. Identifying a cyber threat is not easy, as most signs can be mistaken for Internet glitches.

These are some signs that should warn you about a data breach:

– Log-in attempts notifications on your device from unusual locations.

– Suspicious transactions on your bank account from unknown locations.

– Leakage of personal details, employee data, and company-sensitive information.

– Multiple suspicious pop-ups.

– Private messages and emails from an address you don’t recognize.

– Unexplained system shutdowns and device systems slowed down.

Cybercriminals tend to be cautious with their actions to stay hidden from you in order to steal as much data as possible and make a copy of the sensitive information that can be used as a threat to the victims.

Anti-virus programs are not enough to protect your device completely, so you must be aware of any activity that might seem suspicious and report it to authorized cybersecurity professionals.

What You Should Know About Cybercriminals

Cybercriminals try to steal data with the intent of making a profit. They target their victims based on internet activity: online behavior, platforms used, and by studying their vulnerabilities.

Depending on their primary goal, cybercriminals use different methods; for example, if they plan a mass attack r to obtain people’s credit card details, they can access websites where this information is required to shop for online products or services.

Cybercriminals study human behavior and take advantage of every naive action, leading them to a security breach.

Furthermore, their malevolent activity can be conducted on the dark web as well, the hidden part of the internet used for digital illegal actions.

With your personal information, cybercriminals have access to your life and have tragic consequences.

How To Protect From a Cyber Attack

As we mentioned before, Anti-virus programs installed on your device are just a superficial solution that can’t protect you from the human factor in criminal actions.

It’s crucial to take measures when an activity in your system seems suspicious, to prevent unauthorised leakage of your information and becoming a victim of a data breach. These are essential points to consider in order to protect your data from a cyber-attack:

– Change your passwords often and avoid using simple characters or recognizable words (John1234, 0000, password)

– Pay attention to the emails you receive and the content that includes links and suspicious ads.

– Install a two-factor authentication to your devices for increased security options to log in to your accounts.

– Control user access in your system and report any unusual location and profile you don’t recognize.

If you are a victim of a data breach, you need to take action immediately in order to protect your sensitive information.

Specialists say that the right solution for your stolen data is to make a data breach claim, providing evidence of a data breach to experts that will help you deal with this emotionally draining event, help you recover your information and, and get compensation for the damages.

The Bottom Line

Cybercriminals find vulnerabilities and get creative with methods they employ to steal your data, taking every opportunity to conduct a cyber-attack that can be a severe threat to your personal life.

Be aware of the danger that comes with your actions on the internet and stay alert to the dangerous situations that a single mistake could lead to.

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