What is The Good and Average Credit Score in The UK/Britain 2024?
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What is The Good and Average Credit Score in The UK/Britain 2024?

When talking about credit ratings, people are often under the misconception that there is only one universal credit score. If your score is 900 and your friend’s is 700, then you have a better chance of taking a loan than your friend.

Realistically, this is not accurate. There is no such universal credit score and there is more to your credit details than just a number.

There are three different credit scores!

Before you get to know more about the average credit score in the UK, let us understand what a good credit score is and how it is calculated.

What is a Credit Score?

A credit score is a 3-digit number ranging between 300-850. This is designed to represent the risk a business/bank will face when they lend you money. It also signifies the likelihood of you paying your bills on time.

Credit scores range varies based on the country and the model used. The scoring is very similar to the one mentioned below:

350-579 Poor
580-669 Fair
670-739 Good
740-799 Very Good
800-850 Excellent

What Do You Mean By A Good Credit Score?

A good credit score means that banks and lenders will see you as a lower risk. It means that you pay your bills on time, that you do not have any defaults, and that you are a good candidate for a loan. When your average credit score UK is above good, then you get higher loan options at better rates.

So, How is a Credit Score Calculated?

When you apply for a loan, creditors will look at details such as your application form, your credit report, and any other information they have. This data is used to help calculate your credit score. Now, based on the information available, every creditor has a different way of calculating her credit score.

The higher your score the better rates you get.

How Important Is Your Average Credit Score UK?

Your credit score is very important especially when you plan to take loans or banks or even plan to get credit cards. When you apply for any type of debt (loan, credit card) the lender can check to credit score to see if you are a reliable borrower or not.

If you have a bad credit score then it shows the lenders that you are not a responsible borrower and had issues with paying back the loan in the past.

But if you have a good credit score, then lenders gain confidence in giving you the loan. Having a good credit score means that you can get approval for:

  • Loans – personal, auto, etc
  • Credit cards
  • Mortgages
  • Rent
  • Mobile phone contracts and other utility services

But, a credit score does not paint a complete picture. When you apply for a credit card or loan, then lenders look at your credit history as a whole. Typically they want to see:

  • Your payment timeline
  • Bill payment time (gas, car EMI)
  • If you are registered to vote
  • Available credit (if you max out your cards or not)
  • Address proof (if you have a stable address)
  • If you have a good credit mix (different types of credit – education loans, mortgages, etc)
  • If you have not declared bankruptcy

What is The Average Credit Score UK?

The UK has three main agencies for credit reference – Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion. But, they are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) so that no disparity occurs.

So, if a person wants to know their average credit score in the UK, then it would vary based on the agency.

Let’s take a look at the average credit score UK for these 3 agencies. And speaking of financial savvy, starting an emergency fund is a game-changer. It acts as a financial safety net, smoothing out unexpected bumps in your financial journey.


According to research, Experian’s average credit score UK in 2021 was 797.

While in comparison, it was 792 in 2020 and 776 in 2019.

Analysts at Experian state that COVID-19 played a major role in this increase in 2021.


People were quarantined at home. They could not go out to eat or shop, or go on foreign tours. It was during this time that many people found it easier to save money and pay back their debt collected.


According to a Which Report in 2018, Exquifax’s average credit score in the UK was 380.

The data provided by ClearScore analyzed over 5 million customers over the year and generated a list of the highest and lowest average credit scores in the UK. South of England had the highest scores, and Kingston upon Thames was the leader with an average score of 400.16.

The worst average credit scores in the UK were Wolverhampton and Motherwell with 328.16 and 325.67 respectively.


TransUnion is yet to release its average credit score in the UK so there is not much data available.

Do Average Credit Scores in The UK Vary Base on The Area?

Yes, they do. Based on the research done by Experian, the highest average credit score in the UK are found in the:

  • London City (893)
  • Isles of Scilly (886)
  • Wokingham (880)

And the lowest average credit scores in the UK are in:

  • Kingston (702)
  • Blaenau Gwent (707)
  • Blackpool (713)

To know about your city or area’s average credit score, visit Experian’s average credit score UK map. Type in your code and compare your area to others.

Does Your Age Affect The Average Credit Score in The UK?

Based on the research by Expedia, your age also affects your credit score. Here’s their most recent list:

Age range Score
18-20 823
21-25 792
26-30 776
31-35 770
36-40 779
41-45 792
46-50 804
51-55 819
55+ 863

With all this information, you may have a big question in mind.

What Should You Do if You Have a Bad Credit Score?

In case you find out that you have a bad credit score, it is not the end of the world. There are ways you can improve your score:

  • Pay your existing debts on time and complete them
  • Make sure you are voting
  • Lower your credit utilization ratio
  • Check your credit report regularly (especially after making payments) to see if it is improving or not
  • If you see any incorrect information on your report then connect with the 3 abovementioned credit reference agencies to solve the discrepancy.


Having a good credit report does not always mean you will get a loan. Similarly, having a bad credit report does not signify that you will never get a loan. Various factors go into deciding the average credit score the UK.

So, before you panic take time to understand your credit score, and talk to the credit reference agencies to find out how you can get the best credit score.

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