Child Born in The UK To Non-British Parents: Citizenship For Child Born In The UK
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Child Born in The UK To Non-British Parents: Citizenship For Child Born In The UK

Citizenship is your past of being a citizen of a country. Some people acquire it due to their heritage, whereas some ditch citizenship and acquire that of another nation.

Citizenship can have two natures, single and dual citizenship. The country’s citizenship is enough to be called a citizen in single citizenship.

Whereas, in dual citizenship, you need to have two citizenship, i.e. citizenship of the country and citizenship of the state.

Every country is different and has a different set of rules and regulations regarding citizenship of a country.

In some nations, a child can get citizenship of that nation just by being born there, whereas in some nations, it is mandatory to have a spouse of that nation for the child to have citizenship.

But what about the UK?

What is the status of the child born in the UK to non British parents?

If you are curious, you have landed in the right spot. This blog will cover everything related to the citizenship of a child born in the UK.

Requirements of Citizenship By Birth

If a baby born out of non-British parents’ wedlock wants citizenship in the UK, the child can be registered after birth.

However, if one or more parents have British citizenship, the child will be registered as a citizen of the UK. After this, the child will be protected and given rights like any other British citizen.

There is another way for a child from non-British parents to get UK citizenship. That is by the route of continuous residence for ten years.

This means that if a child of a non-British parent remains in Britain for ten years and has not spent more than 90 days in a year out of Britain, then the child can get British citizenship after ten years.

This route will require extensive documentation. Therefore, it is best to do it under an expert.

A Child Born To Non British Parents in The UK

If a child of a non-British patent is born in the UK, it will not make the child British. For a child to be called a citizen of Britain, he must have at least one parent with British citizenship.

A child born out of non-British wedlock must undergo some registration after birth to attain citizenship in Britain.

There is another way for a kid born to non-British parents to obtain UK citizenship. That is the route of ten years of continuous residency.

This implies that if a kid of a non-British parent stays in the UK for ten years and does not spend more than 90 days a year outside the UK, the child can apply for British citizenship after ten years.

This path will need comprehensive documentation. As a result, it is advisable to conduct it under the supervision of an expert.

Registration For Citizenship in Britain

The child must have one or two British parents to attain automatic citizenship in Britain. At least one of the two parents must have citizenship status under the British nationality act. The child will be a British-born citizen.

If the parent has attained citizenship by naturalization, It is the duty of the parents to register their child as a citizen of Britain.

However, for a child born in the UK out of a non-British parent, the child will not automatically qualify as a citizen. They need to register the citizens of Britain

Application Process

The application process for citizenship in the UK depends on the route you are willing to take.

If any parents acquire citizenship, the child can immediately apply for citizenship.

The application process involves filling up an MN1 form and submitting the evidence of the parent’s citizenship to UKVI. The evidence includes previous visas proving that the parent holds any citizenship.

This can include your ILR document if you are not from an EEA country and an EEA residence card/permit if you are from an EEA country.

The parent also has to provide paperwork proving when and where the kid was born, Along with the history of immigration and two references.

After all, this is provided, the authority collects the child’s biometric information. The authority will decide on the child’s citizenship within eight weeks.

Once everything is done, the child will be given the status of a citizen of Britain and vest the same rights and duties as a British.

Application Form

The parents must complete Form MN1 and return it to the Home Office. It must have the details of the child’s time in the UK. When completing form MN1, the parent must demonstrate that the child was born in the UK and that they are eligible to register as a UK citizen through either the parent’s status.

In all circumstances, the form needs the parent to provide specific information regarding the child’s stay in the UK.

Cost and Fees of The Whole Process

The Home Office charges £1,012 to register a kid for British citizenship.

In addition, there are other expenditures to consider. You must, for example, pay £19.20.

Suppose you want to expedite the processing of your child’s British citizenship application. In that case, you may utilize a priority service, which allows your application to be assessed and a decision made within a few days.

This now costs £477 in addition to the standard fees.

What is The Nationality of a Child Born in The UK To Foreign Parents?

If a kid of a non-British patent is born in the UK, the child does not become a British citizen. A kid must have at least one parent who is British to be considered a British citizen.

A kid born out of wedlock must go through some registration after birth to gain British citizenship.

There is another way for a child born to non-British parents to gain UK citizenship. That is the ten-year continuous residence route.

This means that if a child of a non-British parent lives in the UK for ten years and does not spend more than 90 days a year outside the UK, the child is eligible to apply for permanent residence after the completion of 10 years.


This was all you need to know about a child born in the UK to non-British parents.

You can get help from a professional authority for this, as it will be a complicated process and include a lot of paperwork.

However, it will all be done quickly with patience and proper documentation.

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